Adult Spirituality Study
Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
The Adult Spirituality Group meets the first Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Church library.
In January the Adult Spirituality Group began a series of studies from the Faith and Reason group from a number of well known presenters on a variety of topics. Each study will begin with a video presentation followed by group discussion.
The Adult Spirituality group is continuing with the same Faith and Reason series that we have been using for the last three months.
Topics and dates are as follows:
July 7: Is God Just? - Bishop John Spong & Dr. Forrest Harris
Previous topics:
January 7: The Nature of God –Dr. Martin Marty and Dr. Tex Sample
February 4: The Nature of Christ –Dr. Tex Sample and Dr Shug McBay
March 4: God, Jesus and Salvation –Dr. Tex Sample and Dr. Martin MartyApril 7: The Authority of the BIble -Dr. Tex Sample and Dr. Martin Marty
May 5: The Authority of the Bible - Dr. Tex Sample & Dr. Martin Marty
June 2: How Did Jesus See Himself - Dr. John Dominic Crossan & Dr. Craig Evans
If you have any questions please contact Lynn Kentfield at (949) 363-0919.
NCC Library
The NCC Library is a cozy meeting space just off of Bridge Hall (in the same building).