Alternative International Holiday Gift Fair
Saturday, December 6, 2014 (All day) to Sunday, December 7, 2014 (All day)
NCC’s 10th annual Alternative International Holiday Gift Fair will take place Saturday, December 6th from 10AM to 2PM, and Sunday, December 7th from 11AM to 1:30PM. This year an amazing array of gifts will be offered from Concern America, Bead for Life and SERRV.
Concern America is a unique nonprofit development and refugee aid organization that offers fair trade crafts from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Bangladesh.
Bead for Life offers opportunities for women in Uganda living on less than a dollar a day to become self-sustaining entrepreneurs by creating shea butter skin care products and jewelry made from colorful rolled paper.
SERRV is a nonprofit organization that provides opportunity and support to artisans and farmers in the United States, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Also joining us will be:
- Rosalind Russell, Laguna’s “Goat Lady” from R Star Foundation which serves and educates isolated and disempowered women and children of Nepal.
- Shanti Hastkala brings beautiful handmade gifts which provide financial independence for women in rural villages in India.
- Equal Exchange is a worker-owned cooperative that works to raise and stabilize the incomes of small-scale farmers, farm workers and artisans providing fair trade coffees, teas, chocolates and olive oil.
- Walk for Water has drilled more than 200 wells in Ethiopia and more than 60 in Haiti providing clean water to more than a million people.
- Circulo de Amigas offers training and medical aid to poor women and children in Jinotega, Nicaragua. Enjoy their crocheted purses made from plastic bags and “Why Nicaragua”, the adventurous story of their founder, Pat McCully.
Gift cards will be available to purchase “gifts” in the name of a friend or loved one, supporting a variety of projects that can change lives, build communities, open doors of opportunity, and perhaps change a small corner of the world. Delicious homemade treats will also be served.
And don’t forget Arlyth’s fun and funky crocheted hats and the NCC Kid’s famous reindeer and snowman poop!
This unique event is free, festive and open to the public. It is a wonderful way for children to purchase gifts for teachers and family members at affordable prices and also learn about the needs around the world. Also shoppers can honor friends and family by purchasing unique gifts that give beyond the holidays and help make the world a better place.
Please click HERE for a flyer with all the listings and information.
NCC Bridge Hall
Bridge Hall is Neighborhood Congregational Church's event hall for festivities, food, & fellowship. Fully accessible, free parking is available on St. Ann's for Bridge Hall. Additional Free Parking is available in the parking lot at the corner of Glenneyre & Cleo.
(949) 494-8061