Joy of Giving Holiday Market
Saturday, December 5, 2015 (All day) to Sunday, December 6, 2015 (All day)
Purchase Unique Gifts that Give Beyond the Holidays!
Please join Neighborhood Congregational Church at this year’s International Holiday Gift Fair and help us to Give Gifts that Give Twice.
Neighborhood Congregational Church offers holiday shoppers a selection of gifts unlike any other at this year’s Joy of Giving Holiday Market to be held from 10AM to 3PM on Saturday, December 5, and 11AM to 2PM on Sunday December 6.
This unique event is free, festive, and open to the public. It is also a wonderful way for children to purchase gifts for teachers, friends and family members at affordable prices, while learning about needs around the world and places like Nepal, Africa, India, Central and South America. The Joy of Giving Holiday Market also provides many opportunities for shoppers to honor friends and family at the holidays who don’t need or want more “stuff”, but do appreciate making the world a better place!
Shoppers can purchase unique gifts as well as “gift donations” in the name of a friend or loved one, supporting a variety of projects that can change lives, build communities, open doors of opportunity, and perhaps change a small corner of the world. Purchase beautifully handcrafted items from SERRV, Bead for Life, Peace Exchange and many more organizations to help support refugee rehabilitation , vocation training, empowerment of women, fair trade and assist with economic independence for people in need. Save lives of children with Shot @ Life by providing life saving vaccines. Fill a gift basket or your coffee pot with Fair Trade coffee, teas and chocolates from Equal Exchange. Help light up a life in Kenya with Solar Lanterns. Honor and protect our soldiers and innocent residents in war torn areas with Hero Rats with landmine detection. For every donation, gift cards will be available for your friends and family to let them know how they’ve helped to change a life.
To view and download the flyer, CLICK HERE
NCC Bridge Hall
Bridge Hall is Neighborhood Congregational Church's event hall for festivities, food, & fellowship. Fully accessible, free parking is available on St. Ann's for Bridge Hall. Additional Free Parking is available in the parking lot at the corner of Glenneyre & Cleo.
(949) 494-8061