Neighborhood Congregational Church’s Harvest Dinner
Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 11:30am
It’s time once again to dust off those treasured holiday recipes for the annual Harvest Dinner! Join us after service in Bridge Hall on Sunday, November 22nd for a sumptuous harvest meal brought to you by NCC’s finest cooks!
Sign up sheets will be available on Sundays for you to list which of your family favorites you will bring to share, or you may contact the office. We still need (cooked) turkeys or hams, vegetarian mains, potatoes and gravy, dressing, vegetable sides, and desserts. If you would prefer to donate money to help purchase food for the dinner, please make your check out to NCC and put Harvest Dinner on the memo line. You can put it in the collection plate on Sunday or give it to Kristen Purll in the office during the week.
Please bring your dish by the kitchen before 9:45 on the morning of the 22nd. Please put your name on any dish you want returned!
View and download the flyere HERE
NCC Bridge Hall
Bridge Hall is Neighborhood Congregational Church's event hall for festivities, food, & fellowship. Fully accessible, free parking is available on St. Ann's for Bridge Hall. Additional Free Parking is available in the parking lot at the corner of Glenneyre & Cleo.
(949) 494-8061