"A Pilgrim State of Mind" Sunday Service with Reverend Rod
Sunday, September 24, 2017 - 10:00am
Welcome to Neighborhood Congregational Church's series on Progressive Christianity:
What is Progressive Christianity? Inquire Within!
Week 3: A Pilgrim State of Mind
Scripture: Ephesians 2:17-22
"My friends, our Progressive Christianity series is off to both a refreshing and illuminating start! When we consider them, the past two weeks have challenged us intellectually, emotionally, and of course, religiously! Where else can you find a Christian church that places Jesus and his teachings about God and creation at the center of its identity, work, and mission, while embracing the witness of many paths that enrich, not hinder, our spiritual journeys along the way? I recall the amazing interfaith work we accomplished for love and justice in August, for example, and I'm beyond excited for our future as a Christian community! We simply refuse to be a "God in a box" church!
This Homecoming Sunday, we have a treat in store after the worship service - a potluck! Have you signed up to bring a dish or beverage yet? I can imagine a gathering of colors, shapes, and beautiful hearts; I'm taking about each of you! Former members of our church, those with previous church experience, and the spiritually curious areall invited for a day of celebration and sharing. In the name of Jesus, we will affirm our call to be a community that is open, welcoming, and affirming to all! Come home family and friends - see you Sunday at 10A!!" - Pastor Rod
Liturgist: Madison Tenaglia
Special Music performances by Mando Cordova
Progressive Christianity is a collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and to the life and teachings of Jesus. We are called, as a community of brothers and sisters, to listen, to behold and to question. Designed for the inquisitive, the open-minded, and the spiritually curious, we hope to engage one another in an honest and respectful search for understanding, compassion and authenticity. Have questions? Inquire Within!
Come join us each Sunday morning throughout the series for an enlightening message from Pastor Rod, engaging children's activities, and special music with a variety of guest soloists! Childcare is available each Sunday from 9:45am to 11:45am. Please stay after service and join us for coffee and fellowship in the courtyard.
NCC Sanctuary
Fully accessible, NCC's Sanctuary is the perfect place for worship and meditation, weddings, and other sacred gatheirngs. NCC hosts a Wednesday morning Kirtan (Hindu chanting) and Sunday morning worship (Christian and inclusive) in the sanctuary. Accessible parking is available on St. Ann's Drive, and additional free parking is available in the church parking lot at the corner of Cleo and Glenneyre.
(949) 494-8061