01-19-14: We Can All Make A Difference
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/january-19-2014-we-can-allScripture Readings: Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-3; John 1:29-42
Can one person make a difference? Today's scriptures answer with a resounding, "Yes!" Isaiah proclaims for all Israel to hear: "Listen to me . . . pay attention, you peoples!" (49:1). The psalmist confesses that the Lord has "put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise for our God" (40:3). Andrew hears of Jesus from John the Baptist and says to his brother: "We have found the Messiah" (John 1:41). It is easy to see the impact of Isaiah and the psalmist, but what of Andrew? What difference did he make? About the only thing we know of Andrew is that he brought his brother Simon to Jesus. Simon was the brother whom Jesus renames Peter, the brother whom Jesus calls the rock. If we follow God's call, we can all make a difference, if only by inviting others onto the journey with us.
Yours on the journey,