1-11-15: Dedicated To The Lord
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/1-11-15-dedicated-to-the-lordScripture: Luke 2:22-40; Acts 19:1-7
On this Baptism of the Lord Sunday, we take an unusual path to speak about the mystery of faith. This Sunday, the glory of God’s extraordinary salvation through Christ Jesus is juxtaposed with the ordinary, ritual presentation of a young Jewish boy at temple. Even as his family participates in this common custom, the uncommon breaks in. Simeon proclaims Jesus to be the long-awaited Messiah, the salvation for which Simeon has waited. Anna praises God for this young child, in whom she sees “the redemption of Jerusalem.” As we remember our baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit in and through our baptism, let us focus on the everyday miracles of life-giving water and of being washed in the waters of life. See you Sunday for good music, good worship, good fellowship and a renewal of our baptism.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor BJ