10-05-14: Becoming The Church For Others
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/10-05-14-becoming-the-church-for-othersScripture: Philippians 2:1-13
Sunday is World Communion Sunday, the day when Christians all around the world affirm our unity as the body of Christ by partaking of the sacrament of Holy Communion. We desperately need this unity because we are not united.
Yesterday, I read a story about a young priest from central Montana who has refused to offer communion to a recently married (in California) gay couple…unless they divorce, live separately, and write a letter to their fellow congregants that marriage is between one man and one woman. Half the church is siding with the pastor and the other half are furious that men who have been together for 30 years and have received communion from other priests in their parish in their long tenure with the church are being denied the sacrament. The Bishop is siding with the priest.
And I thought NCC had problems. Now more than ever, we need to affirm that in Christ there is neither slave nor free, male nor female, gay nor straight. Let us claim what Holy Communion truly means together.
See you Sunday!
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.
(Cover art: “The World of Peace and Harmony,” by Prinsa S, Age 13, Kathmandu, Nepal - Winner of “Art for Peace 2012” International Art Contest for Young People)