10-19-14: God In The Rear View Mirror
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/10-19-14-god-in-the-rear-view-mirrorScripture: Exodus 33:12-23
After appearing to him in the burning bush, after abiding with him for 40 days on top of Mt. Sinai in thunder and storm, Moses still yearned to know God and God’s ways more intimately. Moses wanted to know that God approved of him. In Sunday’s text from Exodus 33, we find that, sometimes, God does not hide from us. Sometimes we ask God for something and we are stunned when God answers, loud and clear. The walk of faith is not always easy, and there can be long nights of doubt and distance and struggle. But, now and then, there are these wonderful moments of God’s yes. True, Moses wanted to behold God face-to-face and God only allowed Moses to see God’s glory from behind, lest he die, but Moses did have an experience with the living God. Such moments, though rare for most of us, deserve celebration and thanksgiving. It’s just that we typically recognize them in the rearview mirror.
See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.