10-22-17: Standing on The Side of Love
https://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/standing-on-the-side-of-love-by-reverend-rodrick-echolsThis Sunday, we will conclude our Progressive Christianity sermon series with one word that summarizes the spirit and substance of the last two months - LOVE!! The prophet Micah, long before the days of Jesus, delivered a simple, yet profound summary of our faith. Jesus put it into action! When others question or wonder about who we are, what we are all about, and why we face the world, we have the simplicity of scriptures like Micah 6:8, providing a foundation for dialogue, wonder, and change! God is doing a marvelous thing in our midst. She gave us the life and times of Jesus, showing all how to live and work in these uncertain times. Her Spirit moves us, as progressive Christians, to stand on the side of love!