11-2-14: Choose Whom You Will Serve
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/11-2-14-choose-whom-you-will-serve-bj-beuScripture: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25
As we enter our stewardship season, Joshua issues us the same choice today that the ancient Israelites faced: “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Every day we face a thousand choices: how to spend our time, where to give our money, to whom we offer our allegiances. Some of our choices don’t seem to make that much difference. Whether we wear brown socks or tan doesn’t seem to have much lasting effect on our lives. Others choices, however—whether we get involved with justice issues or whether we will make time to be available to a friend in need—may just define us for much of our lives. On this all saints Sunday, we remember those who lived their faith. What did the saints in our lives choose to value? What did they honor? How did they spend their time? Where did they invest their resources? These are the questions that define us as people of faith. These are the questions that make all the difference. See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.