11-29-15: An Ordinary Woman: An Extraordinary Gift (Rev. Mary Scifres)
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/11-29-15-an-ordinary-woman-an-extraordinary-gift-rev-mary-scifresScripture: Luke 1:39-55
On this first Sunday of Advent, like Mary, we are pregnant with expectation. Something amazing is coming on Christmas day, and we can hardly wait. Today’s scripture calls us to hopeful expectation. When Elizabeth receives Mary’s visit with joyous expectation, she is filled with the Holy Spirit. When Mary receives Elizabeth’s blessing, she is filled with a new hope and confidence for the blessing she carries for the world. As Christmas approaches, remember to be pregnant with expectation. Only then may we notice the amazing miracle of Christmas anew; only then may we receive the blessings of Christ’s presence with joy and hope. See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.
(artwork: Elizabeth Wang, Radiant Light)