3-16-14: Fed by the Spirit that We Might be Blessed
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/fedbythespiritScripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17
A crucial aspect of the Lenten journey is the invitation to make a choice. First, we must choose whether or not to even participate in this journey. Last week, we talked about the choices we make when temptation knocks on the door. This week we are presented with the choice between blessing and curse. Before he became Abraham, Abram makes the choice look easy, as he answers God's call - a call to become a great people through whom all the peoples of the earth will be blest. The psalmist reminds us that we often look for blessings in the wrong places. Even when God's own Son shows us the way to salvation, like Nicodemus before us, we have trouble choosing to accept the blessing offered. What choice will we make? See you Sunday. Yours on the journey, B. J. Beu