6-15-14: Holy Harmony
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/6-15-14-holy-harmonyScripture Reading: Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
God’s bounty and purposes are shown in today’s scriptures. The one God we celebrate in creation is also the three-in-one who brings us joy and peace. On this Trinity Sunday, we affirm that our triune God is present in each moment of creation, making humankind in God’s image and likeness. In pondering the infinite wonders of the universe, the psalmist is overwhelmed by God’s majesty and by God’s care for each one of us. In the epistle reading, the writer calls upon God, the creator, Christ, and the Holy Spirit to bring God’s peace and love to all. Grace, love, communion, and peace abound in God’s presence. Can there be a better message for Father’s Day? See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,Pastor B.J.
(photo: Prague 02-Astronomical clock © Mark Anderson Photographer. Beautiful World City Photography.)