6-8-14 (Pentecost): Symbols Of Our Faith
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/6-8-14-pentecost-symbols-of-our-faithScripture: Acts 2:1-21 (video); John 7:37-39
Christmas and Easter are the two services you can always count on people to show up twice a year. But as important as Christmas and Easter are for the Christian message, the sober truth is Pentecost is the birthday of the church. Without Pentecost, we wouldn’t even have a church today. For on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit turned a bunch of frightened disciples locked away in an upper room into courageous evangelists who were willing to risk their lives for their faith. Pentecost gave the disciples the courage to proclaim the power of God they had found in Christ and the Spirit. Our service this Pentecost Sunday promises to entail dramatic and powerful elements to open ourselves up to the power that God offers us.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.