7-13-14: Traditional Family Values
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/7-13-14-traditional-family-values-bj-beuScripture Reading: Genesis 25:19-34
Sunday’s reading from Genesis is the story of the birth of Jacob and Esau, continuing the story of our early matriarchs and patriarchs of the faith. At a time in our history when the Christian right is celebrating traditional family values, it's somehow enlightening to see how dysfunctional our religious forebears really were. We often feel like we have to project to the world—and certainly to the neighbors—that our family, our home is “normal.” Everything is alright. It’s fine. But, this story reminds me that it doesn’t have to be fine. Nothing has to be fine. Things can be awful and embarrassingly dysfunctional–and God can still move. God can still do great things.The truth of our biblical story is that God does things through the lives of the strangest and most awkward of people. When God looked out over the earth to find the people God would chose to bring a blessing to the whole world, God chose what often times looks like the “b” team, the replacements—the ones who didn’t have their act completely together. People just like you and me. See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,Pastor B.J.