7-3-16: Rich Toward God


Scripture readingPsalm 91Luke 12:13-21

What is it to be rich--to be wealthy?  We live in the country which, by the standards of this world, is the richest country in human history.  In the perspective of our religion, is that an unequivocally good thing? Is material wealth, and the labor for ever more material wealth, likely to bring us closer to God?  Is there a kind of wealth which has absolutely nothing to do with how much money and how many material goods we have--and indeed may be in stark opposition to money and material goods? 

The sermon message on this Independence Day weekend will address these questions.

See you Sunday, 


Author of this post

Reverend Jeff Utter Reverend "During this time of pastoral transition, we welcome Reverend Jeff Utter, who will begin officiating Sunday services starting April 3. Rev. Dr. Jeff Utter has been a UCC minister since 1968, and in 1990 he was granted ministerial standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has enjoyed a varied career, having been the settled pastor of three UCC congregations, and the interim pastor of four UCC and five Disciples congregations."