8-31-14: The Fate Of Dreamers Part 2
Sunday service is a lesson in betrayal and forgiveness, all wrapped up in the midst of God’s providential love. No matter what has befallen us, what unites us is far greater than what divides us, for God has created us to live together in unity. In an astonishing act of mercy and grace, Joseph forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery, for God used this terrible act to save the Israelites and Egyptians alike from famine. The story from Genesis in today’s service is far too long and complex to read from the pulpit before the sermon, covering the end of chapter 37 through chapter 45, so the message will be conveyed in the sermon. The story will be retold from the point of view of a servant in Pharaoh’s court. See you Sunday! Yours on the journey, Pastor B.J.