9-10-17: An Old Story for A New Time
https://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/an-old-story-for-a-new-time-by-reverend-rod-echolsThis Sunday, we kick-off our sermon series, "What is Progressive Christianity? Inquire Within!" with a full embrace of our Christian heritage, remembering and reaffirming the life and teachings of Jesus and their importance to us. Jesus prayed that we may all be one, sharing and participating in God's love without limits. His old story is perfect for a new time such as ours; bring your friends, family, and neighbors this Sunday, as we center on the cornerstone of our faith - the embodiment of God's kindom in Jesus the Christ!
Are you excited for the series? As you can probably surmise, I am! Let's make the next seven weeks memorable for our church, declaring once and for all our progressive Christian voice in these unpredictable times. The world needs us!