9-14-14: Turning Aside And Going Home
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/9-14-14-turning-aside-and-going-homeScripture: Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c
Knowing when to turn aside can make all the difference in the world. Moses sees a bush ablaze with fire yet is not consumed and turns aside to see. Only then does God call to Moses from out of the burning bush. It is in this encounter that God asks Moses to go back to Egypt and confront Pharaoh—the ruler in whose court Moses was raised by Pharaoh’s daughter; the ruler who has enslaved Moses’ fellow Israelites; the ruler who knew Moses had killed one of the Egyptian task masters set over Moses’ people. Turning aside and going home often brings danger and risk, but also it also offers life and hope.
See you Sunday!
Yours on the journey,Pastor B.J.