Share Food with Your Neighbors
Over the past few years the need for food assistance has increased dramatically, with summer months growing increasingly lean. The Food Pantry at the Resource Center is currently serving 1,000 people a month and struggles to keep up with the need. If you have ever been out to the little Pantry in the Canyon between 7 and 10 in the morning, you can see the people lined up waiting to fill their bags, and the smiles on their faces as they leave with food for the week. All non-perishable food items are needed, especially beans and rice, canned vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, cereals and canned meats, as well as personal care items, laundry and dish washing soap, kitchen cleaners and toilet paper. Bring your donations to church on Sunday or drop them at the Resource Center. Or write a check and we'll donate directly to the food bank on your behalf. (Make checks payable to NCC, memo line marked "Resource Center" or "Food Pantry.")