NCC Laguna presents:

NCC Welcomes the Monks

Neighborhood Congregational Church is hosting the monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery of Southern India on the Mystical Arts of Tibet Tour from October 25 - Nov 1.  For the last five years, the church has generously sponsored a visit from Tibetan Buddhist monks, providing support and housing, while also opening the church doors to the monks and their many visitors.

The Monks will participate in our Sunday service October 25, 10-11AM with chanting and meditation.  A potluck lunch will follow at 11:30AM. 

Opening Ceremonies and the creation of the *White Tara Mandala will begin at 1PM in the Neighborhood Church sanctuary.  A ‘Dharma’ talk: “Tibet Today” will take place from 3-4PM (suggested donation of $10).

Each day, the monks will begin and end with their unique trichord chant, a special blessing of meditation and worship to begin and end their work on the mandala.  Click HERE for a detailed explanation of the sand mandala.

During the 10AM worship service on Sunday, November 1, the monks will complete the sand mandala creation and assist Rev. B. J. Beu in leading worship in the church sanctuary. Following worship on Sunday, the monks and Rev. Beu will lead a processional to the beach for a dissolution ceremony of the Mandala into the Pacific Ocean as a reminder of our impermanence and a call to release our focus on attachment.  From 3-4PM there will be chanting and blessing at the Chakra Shack - 397 N. Coast Highway (suggested donation of $10).

During the monks’ visit, the sanctuary will be open to the public Monday - Friday between 12PM and 6PM, and Saturday 10AM to 4PM, for people to observe the monks at work and meditation.  All are invited to visit, observe, meditate, reflect, admire, and pray during the creation of the Sacred Mandala.  There is no charge or admission fee for visits to the sanctuary.

Special Events & Details:

Sunday, October 25 at 10AM: Sunday service with the monks 

11:30AM-12:30PM: Potluck lunch

1PM-5PM: Opening ceremonies and creation of the White Tara Mandala

3PM-4PM: “Tibet Today” - Dharma talk 

Monday, October 26 at 6PM: Chanting and blessing at ASL (Alternative Sleeping Location/Homeless Shelter) in Laguna Canyon

Tuesday, October 27 at 6PM:  Dharma Talk - “Meditation: A Tool of Conscious Living” 

Wednesday, October 28 at 6PM:  Dharma Talk - “Opening the Heart: Arousing the Mind of Universal Kindness” 

Thursday, October 29 at 6PM:  Dharma talk - “The Symbolism of the Sand Mandala” 

Friday, October 30 at 7PM: Lama Chopa Blessings (suggested donation of $15)

Saturday, October 31, 11AM-1PM:  Workshop (all ages welcome) - “Making Your Own Windhorse Prayer Flags (with Auspicious Wishes for the Universe)”  (suggested donation of $35; special family price TBA)

Sunday, November 1, at 10AM:  Special Sunday service with Reverend B.J. Beu and the monks, followed by the mandala dissolution ceremony and procession to the beach.

*White Tārā, (Sitatara) also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra

House blessings are available during the week. Please call Pam Wicks, Music Director for more information: (949) 573-7104, or the church office.

All talks and events have a suggested donation of $10 unless otherwise stated.  Any donation is gratefully accepted for all events.  No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

View and download the full schedule HERE.

Volunteers are also needed!  Please click HERE for a full list of volunteer needs.

Event Venue:

Neighborhood Congregational Church

340 St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.

We are an open and affirming congregation of
the United Church of Christ,
welcoming all people to full participation.
Worship on Sundays at 10 AM
Sunday Morning Childcare is available each Sunday
from 9:45am to 11:45am

TEL: 949-494-8061, EMAIL:

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(949) 494-8061
340 St Ann's Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651