Transition Tuesday with Hallie Jones
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
6:30PM Potluck, 7:00PM Talk
Please bring your plate and utensils, along with your favorite food to share.
TLB welcomes Hallie Jones, Executive Director of Laguna Canyon Foundation. Twenty years ago, Lagunans saved our canyon from development, and today we are blessed to be surrounded and nurtured by one of the last remaining wild natural canyons in OC. A buffer from the background sounds of suburbia, and home to important habitat and OC's only natural lakes - today our canyon is impacted from habitat degradation, over-use, and irresponsible development along the borders. What does "protecting our canyon" mean today? How do we, as a community, continue to sustainably steward this natural treasure while balancing the pressures of our growing OC population?
For more information on Transition Laguna Beach, please visit their group page on our site.
NCC Bridge Hall
Bridge Hall is Neighborhood Congregational Church's event hall for festivities, food, & fellowship. Fully accessible, free parking is available on St. Ann's for Bridge Hall. Additional Free Parking is available in the parking lot at the corner of Glenneyre & Cleo.
(949) 494-8061