3-20-16: Palm/Passion Sunday
http://soundcloud.com/ncclaguna/3-20-16-palmpassion-sundayPalm/Passion Sunday provides the narrative of Jesus’ final week—beginning with the story of his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to the story of his final Passover meal with the disciples, and ending with the story of his betrayal, arrest, trial, beating, and crucifixion. After the initial joy of Jesus coming into Jerusalem like a king, fickleness of heart and betrayal take center stage. Shortly after singing Jesus’ praises as he rode a colt into the holy city, the crowds and even his disciples betrayed and denied him. To avoid moving from the joy of Palm Sunday to the joy of Easter without moving through the anguish of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the Palm Sunday service highlights the all too human trait of falling away when we should be following faithfully. See you Sunday.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor B.J.
Reader: John Gardiner, Music: Cheryl Crandall