Going Home, A Journey featuring Terrell Washington Anansi
Friday, April 28, 2017 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday: Evening performance and dining
Saturday: Brunch, lectures & evening performance
This is a going home and a celebration of the journey of being a sacred artist in modern times. As a sacred artist, Terrell Washington Anansi attempts to demonstrate the importance of the human voice by using spoken-word and spoken-song, sacred musical sounds, dance and images of photography by Jana and mixed media paintings, by TWA, within constructed altars. It is a demonstration of a sacred artist unifying with his community, in the midst of sharing his gifts within the community for their mutual healing.
It is a collaboration between artists who are in process of becoming one in spirit and performance. It is a going home to wholeness, the healing of the split existence of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, love and hate, being and doing... being in the unification of the personal self.
It is a collaboration of various types of local artists (visual, musicians, craftsmen, jewelers, dance, sound healers), local culinary (Taco Loco) and a local church, Neighborhood Congregational Church. It will be an example of community in unity, comm-unity. It is a celebration of attaining peace within our society.
USD 20 entrance fee for both days
NCC Bridge Hall
Bridge Hall is Neighborhood Congregational Church's event hall for festivities, food, & fellowship. Fully accessible, free parking is available on St. Ann's for Bridge Hall. Additional Free Parking is available in the parking lot at the corner of Glenneyre & Cleo.
(949) 494-8061